Welcome Readers! However you found me, I hope you'll find something interesting to read! In my various books, I've got monsters, monster hunters, magic users, machines, soldiers, fairies, satellites, spaceships, and dragons so maybe there's a little something for everyone. If you're looking for a specific genre, I have fantasy, space opera, science fiction, horror, paranormal romance, poetry, a smidgen of literary fiction, and even a bit of nonfiction.
If you want to stay up on all the latest news, I do have a monthly newsletter: The Imaginary Word.
I released a collection of my poetry. There is beauty to be found in all things, from a certain point of view. Though you can't see all of them, or even most of them, my scars are beautiful - they mark my progress, my survival. There is beauty, not in the panic attack itself, but in the woman who comes out the other side. Gilded Scars is available as a paperback.